50g (1.75oz)
Medicinal Name: Astragalus membranaceus (Fabaceae)
Common names: Milk Vetch, Huang Qi
Properties: adaptogenic, immune stimulant, diuretic, vasodilator, antiviral, tonic
Treatment: anemia, lack of energy, viral infections/cold and flu, high-blood pressure, kidney disease, sweating, night sweats.
In China, the root, known as huang qi, has been used for thousands of years. It has a sweet taste and is a warming tonic particularly suited to young, active people, increasing stamina and endurance, and improving resistance to the cold. It is often combined with other herbs as a blood tonic. Astragalus is a classic energy
tonic, perhaps even superior to ginseng.
Investigations in China indicate that astragalus is diuretic and that it lowers blood pressure and increases endurance. A 2012 clinical trial found that 5 g a day of astragalus root helped to stabilize kidney function in patients with chronic kidney disease, delaying the need for dialysis.
Recent American research has focused on the ability of astragalus to restore normal immune function in cancer patients. Clinical evidence suggests that, as with a number of other herbs, cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy recover faster and live longer if given astragalus concurrently.
Though a vasodilator (encouraging blood to flow to the surface), astragalus is used for excessive sweating, including night sweats. It is also helpful in both relieving fluid retention and reducing thirstiness. It supports normal kidney function and is thought to protect the kidneys from damage.
Astragalus is used to treat prolapsed organs, especially the uterus, and it is beneficial for uterine bleeding. Astragalus is often used in combination with dong quai (Angelica sinensis, p. 63) in order to act as a blood tonic for treating anemia.
Astragalus is also a very useful medicine for viral infections such as the common cold.
Decoction: boil 1-2 tbsp for 10-15 minutes then let cool and sweeten with honey
For anemia, make a decoction with 12 g root and 12 g Chinese angelica. Take 11⁄4 cups (300 ml) daily.
Dried Fried Root: As a stimulant tonic, each day fry 5 –10 g root by itself or with 1 tsp of honey and eat with meals.
Tincture: For night sweats, take 1 tsp with water 1 –2 times daily.
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