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50g (1.76oz)

Medicinal Name: Ginkgo biloba

Properties: Circulatory tonic, anti-inflammatory, anti-asthmatic, anti-allergenic, antispasmodic

Treatment: dementia, alzheimers, multiple sclerosis, poor memory, trouble concentrating, high blood pressure, stress, decrease sexual


Ginkgo is thought to be the oldest tree on the planet, first growing about 190 million years ago.

The leaves are used to treat poor circulation and to promote blood flow to the central nervous system. Ginkgo is also valuable for asthma and other allergic problems.

Extensive research has established the importance of ginkgo in improving poor cerebral circulation and aiding memory and concentration. Other research indicates possible use in conditions as varied as depression, glaucoma, and poor peripheral arterial blood flow.

Ginkgo inhibits platelet activating factor (PAF), a substance that causes the blood to become stickier and more likely to produce clots.

Ginkgo’s ability to reduce inflammation makes it valuable in conditions where nerve tissue is damaged by inflammation, like in the case of multiple sclerosis.


Infusion- bring a cup of water to a boil then add leaves and let simmer on very low heat for 5-10 minutes


Caution: Do not exceed the dose. May cause toxic reactions if taken to excess. Take on professional advice if using blood-thinning medication. Restricted herb in some countries.


100g, 400g, 1kg


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